(206) 616-0122
312C Miller

Research Interests

Digital Literacies
Equity Studies
Historical & Philosophical Foundations of Education
Learning Sciences & Human Development
Qualitative Research Methods
Technology in Teaching and Learning

Katie Headrick Taylor

Associate Professor

My research re-imagines the possibilities of public education by creating and studying digitally mediated, intergenerational learning opportunities. I center collaboration and reciprocity with children, parents, retirees, and educators in schools and community-serving organizations. I strive for these studies to contribute new theoretical perspectives on learning with technology that foreground race, class, culture, gender, and place. Practically, my research creates new openings, social transformations within our local communities. My research, teaching, and service reflect these commitments and have made contributions to the field of learning sciences, and education research more broadly.


Courses Taught
EDUC 375: Critical Digital Literacies
EDC&I 581: Design-based Research Methods
EDPSY 515: The Digital Re-Mediation of Learning & Teaching
EDSPY 569: Learning in the Interaction Order
EDPSY 581: Digital Ethnography
EDUC 370: Learning Across & Within Settings

Taylor, K.H. (2022). Commitments for connected STEM: Spanning disciplines, generations, and anchor institutions for humane science. Connected Science Learning, 4(1).

Marin, A., Taylor, K.H., Shapiro, B.R., & Hall, R. (2020). Why learning on the move: Intersecting research pathways for mobility, learning and teaching. Cognition & Instruction, 38(3), 265-280. doi.10.1080/07370008.2020.1769100.

Taylor, K.H. (2020). Resuscitating Cartesian representations of daily life: When mobile and grid epistemologies of the city meet. Cognition & Instruction, 38(3), 407-426. doi.10.1080/07370008.2020.1766463

Taylor, K.H., Silvis, D., Kalir, R., Cramer, C., Negron, A., Bell, A., & Riesland, E. (2019). Supporting public-facing education for youth: Spreading (not scaling) ways to learn data science with mobile and geospatial technologies. CITE Journal: Contemporary Issues in Technology & Teacher Education, 19(3), 529-542.

Herrenkohl, L.R., Lee, J., Kong, F., Nakamura, S., Imani, K. Nasu, K., Hartman, A., Pennant, B., Tran, E., Wang, E., Eslami, N.P., Whittlesey, D., Huynh, T.M., Jung, A., Batalon, C., Bell, A., Taylor, K.H. (2019). Learning in community for STEM undergraduates: Connecting a learning sciences and a learning humanities approach in higher education. Cognition & Instruction, 37(3), 327-348. doi. 10.1080/07370008.2019.1624549

Bell, A., Taylor, K.H., Riesland, E., & Hays, M. (2019). Learning to see the familiar: Technological assemblages in a higher ed (non)classroom setting. British Journal of Educational Technology. doi.1111/bjet.12800

Taylor, K.H. Silvis, D., & Bell, A. (2018). Dis-placing place-making: How African-American and Immigrant youth realize their rights to the city. Learning, Media, & Technology, 43(4), 451-468.

Silvis, D. & Taylor, K.H., & Stevens, R. (2018). Community technology mapping: Inscribing places when “Everything is on the move.” International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning, 13(2),137-166.

Taylor, K.H. (2018). The role of public education in place-remaking: From a retrospective walk through my hometown to a call to action. Cognition & Instruction, 36(3), 188-198.. doi.10.1080/07370008.2018.1460844

Taylor, K.H., Takeuchi, L., & Stevens, R. (2017). Mapping the daily media round: Methodological innovations for understanding families’ mobile technology use. Learning, Media, and Technology, 43(1), 70-84. doi.10.1080/17439884.2017.1391286

Taylor, K.H. (2017). Learning along lines: Locative literacies for reading and writing the city. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 26(4), 533-574. doi:10.1080/10508406.2017.1307198

Taylor, K.H. & Hall, R. (2013). Counter-mapping the neighborhood on bicycles: Mobilizing youth to reimagine the city. Technology, Knowledge, and Learning, 18(1-2), 65-93.

Leander, K. M., Phillips, N. C. & Taylor, K. H. (2010). The changing social spaces of learning: Mapping new mobilities. Review of Research in Education, 34, 329-394.