Research Areas

Faculty and students engage in top-tier research around the most pressing issues in education. We face tremendous challenges in education from children entering the school system unprepared to learn to the need for math and science education to keep pace with an innovation-based economy and the unconscionable disparities in opportunity that impact low-income students and students of color.

Our research aims to inform educational policy, understand educational impacts and develop strategies for improving outcomes.

Our research aims to identify factors that contribute to positive youth development, develop programs and interventions that can help youth succeed in life and academics, and advocate for policies that support youth.

Our research aims to understand developmental disabilities, develop new interventions, improve the quality of life for people living with developmental disabilities and advocate for policies.

Our research aims to understand how digital technologies are changing the way we learn, identify the skills needed for digitally literacy, develop new programs and interventions that can help people in digital environments, and advocate for policies that support digital literacy education.

Our research aims to understand how young children learn and develop, identify the factors that contribute to positive early childhood outcomes, develop effective early childhood education programs and practices and advocate for policies that support early childhood education.

Our research aims to understand how educational policies are made and implemented, identify the factors that influence educational policy, evaluate the impact of educational policies, and develop new educational policies.

Our research aims to understand the factors that contribute to student success, to develop and implement effective school improvement strategies, and to adv

Our research aims to understand the factors that contribute to educational inequity, develop and implement programs and interventions that can promote educational equity, and to advocate for policies that support educational equity.

Our research aims to develop more effective identification and assessment tools for gifted students, design and implement more effective educational programs and services for gifted students, and advocate for policies that support the needs of gifted students.

Our research aims to understand how higher education works and how it can be improved, identify the factors that contribute to student success in higher education, develop new programs and interventions that can help students succeed in higher education and advocate for policies that support high

Our research aims to understand how our current educational system came to be, identify the different philosophical perspectives on education, develop new educational theories and practices, and advocate for policies that support education.

Our research aims to understand the challenges and opportunities that immigrant students face, identify factors that contribute to the academic success of immigrant students, develop programs that can help immigrant students succeed and advocate for policies that support the education of immigran

Our research aims to understand the role of intercollegiate athletics in higher education, identify the factors that contribute to the success of intercollegiate athletes, and advocate for policies that support intercollegiate athletics.

Our research seeks to preserve Indigenous knowledge, promote cultural understanding, and advance environmental sustainability and social justice.

Our research aims to understand the role of leadership in school improvement, identify the factors that contribute to effective leadership, develop programs that help leaders be more effective, and advocate for policies that support effective leadership.

Our research aims to understand how people learn and develop, develop new educational theories and practices, and advocate for policies that support learning and development.

Our research aims to understand how literacy develops, identify the factors that contribute to literacy development, develop new literacy interventions and programs, and advocate for policies that support literacy development.


Our research aims to understand the challenges and opportunities that students from diverse backgrounds face in school, identify the factors that contribute to the success of students from diverse backgrounds, develop programs and interventions that can help students from diverse backgrounds succ

Our research aims to identify the factors that contribute to successful educational reforms, develop new policies and reforms that can improve education, and advocate for policies and reforms that support student success.

Our research aims to understand the experiences of students and teachers, identify the factors that influence student learning, develop new educational theories and practices, and advocate for policies that support educational equity.

Our research aims to measure the impact of educational interventions and programs, identify the factors that contribute to student success, develop new educational policies and practices, and evaluate the effectiveness of educational systems.

Our research aims to understand how students learn science and mathematics, identify the factors that influence student success, develop new educational theories and practices, and advocate for policies that support science and mathematics education.

Our research aims to understand how students learn about social studies concepts and skills, identify factors that influence student success, develop new teaching theories and practices, and advocate for policies that support social studies education.

Our research aims to understand how social-emotional factors influence student learning and development, identify effective interventions for promoting social-emotional competence, and develop policies and practices that support social-emotional learning.

Our research aims to understand how teachers are prepared to teach, identify the factors that influence teacher effectiveness, develop new educational theories and practices, and advocate for policies that support teacher education.

Our research aims to understand how technology can be used to improve student learning, identify the factors that influence the effectiveness of technology-enhanced learning, develop new educational theories and practices for using technology, and advocate for policies that support the use of tec