Message from Dean Tuan

Dear Supporters and Friends,

Thank you for your interest in supporting the College of Education. At the heart of our distinctive approach lies a commitment to placing teacher candidates, faculty, research, and professional development programs directly inside schools. Here, leading-edge teaching practices are developed, tested, and refined in real time, preparing outstanding teachers and leaders who are change agents poised to revolutionize entire educational systems. With your support, we can continue to make excellent education a daily reality for every student in every community. 

With heartfelt gratitude,  

Mia Tuan  

Dean, College of Education 

Choose Your Impact

Haring Center

The Haring Center Fund for Inclusion empowers nearly 150 children and families at our EEU School while promoting inclusion across Washington State. The fund expands access to essential training for teachers and school district leaders, enabling them to create inclusive classrooms that benefit all students. It also increases services for children with developmental disabilities and their families, broadens programs for children with autism and related disorders, and attracts top talent in research and education. The Haring Center is dedicated to ensuring every child receives the quality education they deserve.

Rainier Valley Early Learning Center

The Rainier Valley Early Learning Center (RVELC) aims to create a transformative space for our community, establishing an inclusive and nurturing hub where children thrive, families receive support, and educators advance their skills. Co-designed with community input, the RVELC addresses historical injustices in early learning by expanding access to affordable, high-quality childcare and preschool while centering anti-racist care and curricula. This innovative resource hub empowers early learning professionals, particularly practitioners of color, and fosters collaboration among families, caregivers, and educators. The RVELC is dedicated to ensuring that every child in the Rainier Valley has access to an enriching early learning experience.

Diversifying Educator Workforce

The Teacher Education Programs (TEP) are dedicated to diversifying the educator workforce by preparing teachers to engage and inspire all students, particularly in economically marginalized schools. Our innovative pathways provide extensive hands-on experience, mentorship from master teachers, and access to cutting-edge research-informed practices. By equipping future educators with the skills they need, we aim to cultivate a diverse group of passionate teachers who can transform classrooms and empower every learner.

The Brotherhood Initiative

The Brotherhood Initiative empowers young men of color at the University of Washington through a holistic, cohort-based program that addresses their academic, personal, and leadership development needs. This initiative helps students overcome significant barriers to college success by providing access to critical mentorship, research, and internship opportunities. Participants gain valuable skills in entrepreneurship and leadership, catalyzing transformative educational experiences that enable them to discover their passions, pursue their dreams, and graduate ready to thrive in their professional journeys.

The Sisterhood Initiative 

The Sisterhood Initiative (SI) empowers Women of Color to achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals by providing a welcoming community that affirms their identities and encourages authenticity. Through weekly seminars on leadership, identity, and career development, along with individualized advising and access to campus resources, SI offers holistic support for success. This initiative ensures that these remarkable students have the tools and resources they need to graduate and thrive in every aspect of their lives.


United:Ed is dedicated to shaping brighter futures for children, youth, and communities through an alliance of community and education partners at the University of Washington’s College of Education. Focused on expanding learning opportunities for underserved populations, particularly children of color, Unite:Ed co-creates projects that advance equity and address pressing challenges in education. By fostering community-practice-research partnerships, we bring together families, educators, and researchers to develop solutions grounded in real experiences and community voices, driving lasting change in education.

Scholarships & fellowships

Empower the next generation of leaders through scholarships and fellowships. Your generosity creates pathways to education, enabling students to pursue their dreams and make a difference. Join us in providing opportunities and transforming lives through the gift of education. Make a gift today.

Contribute to the Dean's Fund

Empower innovation and excellence in education with the Dean's Fund. With our committed faculty and students, the College of Education pioneers justice-centered strategies. Your support empowers transformative projects and addresses critical needs. Give today.

Is a planned gift right for you?

Explore various ways to make a lasting impact through giving. Whether through direct donations, endowments, or including us in your estate plan, your support ensures a brighter tomorrow for students and communities. Join us in leaving a legacy of learning and opportunity. Learn more.

As we strive to diversify the educator workforce at the UW, we recognize the critical need to support our students. Together, let's make a difference in the lives of our students by giving them the support they need to succeed, both in and out of the classroom.

Dr. Stacey E. Hardin

Assistant Dean of Teacher Education Programs

Stories of Impact

Nestled in the vibrant University of Washington Quad, the Brotherhood Initiative (BI) stands not just as a learning community but as a beacon of hope and transformation for young men of color.
As the U.S. is facing another literacy crisis, particularly with the Science of Reading, Lakeya Afolalu has a solution. It’s to challenge schools and society to redefine literacy.
When it comes to university programs offering degrees and credentials for improving mental health in schools, the UW’s School Psychology program provides something unique.