Miller 102J

Research Interests

Developmental Disabilities
Early Childhood
Higher Education
Teacher Education & Research

Nancy Rosenberg

Associate Teaching Professor

Dr. Nancy Rosenberg is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Applied Behavior Analysis program at the University of Washington. She has research interests in the areas of ethics, Autism Spectrum Disorders, developmental disabilities, challenging behaviors in students with disabilities, and effective teaching and coaching strategies for adult learners.

Ph.D., University of Washington
M.S. Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
B.S. Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
BCBA-D Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Doctoral Level
Courses Taught
EDSPE 533 Concepts and Principles in Applied Behavior Analysis A
EDSPE 534 Concepts and Principles in Applied Behavior Analysis B
EDSPE 530 Readings in Applied Behavior Analysis
EDSPE 531 Designing Comprehensive Behavioral Interventions
EDSPE 527 Basic Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis
EDSPE 507 Instructional Methods for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities
EDSPE 525 Educating Students with Autism
EDSPE 529 Ethics in Applied Behavior Analysis

Huntington, R., Badgett, N., Rosenberg, N., Greeny, K., Bravo, A., Bristol, R., Byun, Y., Park, M. (2022) Social Validity in Behavioral Research: a Selective Review.  Perspectives on Behavior Science.

Greeny, K., Rosenberg, N., Fettig, A., & Schwartz, I. (2022). Common struggles of behavior analysts and their relation to the professional and ethical compliance code. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice.

Rosenberg, N.., & McConnachie, G. (2021). Friends of Brian: Achieving quality of life through group action planning. International Journal of Positive Behavioural Support, 11(2), 44-49.

Rosenberg, N., & Huntington, R. N. (2021). Distance Bug-in-Ear Coaching: A Guide for Practitioners. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 14(2), 523-533.

Kelly, E. M., Greeny, K., Rosenberg, N., & Schwartz, I. (2020). When Rules Are Not Enough: Developing Principles to Guide Ethical Conduct. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 14(2), 491-498.

Rosenberg, N.E., Artman-Meeker, K., Kelly, E. and Yang, X. (2020). The Effects of a Bug-in-Ear Coaching Package on Implementation of Incidental Teaching by Paraprofessionals in a K-12 School. Journal of Behavioral Education (2020).

Rosenberg, N., & Schwartz, I (2018).  Guidance or Compliance:What Makes an Ethical Behavior Analyst?  Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1-10.

Artman-Meeker, K., Rosenberg, N., Badgett, N., Yang, X., Penney, A. (2017) The effects of bug-in-ear coaching on pre-service behavior analysts’ use of functional communication training. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 1-14.

Kamps, D., Heitzman-Powell, L., Rosenberg, N., Mason, R., Schwartz, I., & Romine, R. S. (2016). Effects of Reading Mastery as a Small Group Intervention for Young Children with ASD. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 1-20.

Rosenberg, N., Congdon, M., Schwartz, I., and Kamps, D. (2015) The use of say-do correspondence training to increase generalization of social interaction skills at recess for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities. 50(2), 213-222.

Kamps, D., Thiemann-Bourque, K., Heitzman-Powell, L., Schwartz, I., Rosenberg, N., Mason, R., & Cox, S. (2014). A comprehensive peer network intervention to improve social communication of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A randomized trial in kindergarten and first grade. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-16.

Rosenberg, N., Schwartz, I., and Davis, C. (2010) Teaching Preschoolers with Autism to Wash Hands Using Commercially Available Video Modeling Tapes.  Education and Treatment of Children.

Schwartz, I., Davis, C., McLaughlin, A., and Rosenberg, N. (2009) Generalization in School Settings: Strategies for Planning and Teaching.  In Whalen, C. (ed.) Real life, real progress for children with autism spectrum disorders: Strategies for successful generalization in natural environment.  Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing

Rosenberg, N. (2008) A descriptive analysis of the early literacy skills of preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Unpublished doctoral dissertation. University of Washington, Seattle.

Rosenberg, N. and Boulware, G. (2005) Running Playdates for Young Children with Autism.  Young Exceptional Children, 8(2), 11-20.

Rosenberg, N. and Saltonstall, B.  (2004) Challenging Behavior in Early Childhood: Prevention and Management.  Children and Families: the Magazine of the National Head Start Association.

Rosenberg, N. and Schwartz, I (2003) Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Primer for Early Childhood Educators.  Children and Families: the Magazine of the National Head Start Association, 17 (4) 21-26.