Two College of Education students named to the 2022 cohort of the Husky 100

April 25, 2022

Each year, the Husky 100 recognizes 100 UW undergraduate and graduate students from the UW Bothell, Seattle and Tacoma campuses in all areas of study who are making the most of their time at the University of Washington. This year, after a highly competitive selection process, we are thrilled to announce that two College of Education students have been selected as Husky 100 recipients:

Here is what they said about their experience at UW and being named as part of the Husky 100.

Paulette Thompson

Advisor: Geneva Gay 

“The UW has for decades been a major part of my journey, as I have transformed from educator to border-crossing doctoral student. My experiences in Morocco, Brazil and the classroom, along with UW faculty support throughout campus, have led me to see the role that education plays more broadly in personal and societal transformations or ‘culture-crossings’. My dissertation focuses on education for liberation and the praxis of secondary teachers who have undergone transformational experiences.”


Mimi Hope To

Advisor: Keeyon Scott 

“I'm honored to represent the College of Education as a Husky 100 recipient this year. My time with the College of Education has inspired me to use my voice -- one that has historically been silenced -- to hold space and make space for myself and other marginalized folks. To my educators and my peers within the ECO program, thank you for giving me the room to learn, to laugh, to cry, to heal and grow alongside you all. This is especially for my fellow children of immigrants, the first-generation women of color, redefining success in ways that challenge the capitalist ideologies and colonial legacies of this country. The systems in place were never designed for us to survive, but we have shown time and time again that we aren't going anywhere. May we all continue to co-create a world where we all can be whole and well. I am here!“


Congratulations Paulette and Mimi for this incredible achievement!



Charleen Wilcox, Director for Marketing & Communications,