2023 ConnectEd Spring Webinar Series

SPRING FORWARD: Growing Our Understanding of Students & Cultivating Equitable Learning Spaces

The Spring Forward webinar series took place in May 2023. Catch up on this series of conversations that explored ways that we can know our students more deeply and create learning spaces where they can thrive. Whether you're a teacher, instructional leader, or administrator, you'll come away with practical ideas and inspiration for transforming your classroom and creating more just learning communities. Recordings for most Spring Forward sessions are linked below.



Supporting Teachers to Implement Equity Focused Phonics Instruction 

Schools ought to be places where both students and teachers learn and grow.  In this webinar, we will utilize a framework for teacher learning to explore an approach to phonics instruction that includes both explicit instruction and authentic reading.  In doing so, participants will gain a deeper understanding of how to support teacher learning as well as an instructional practice that supports beginning readers.  By focusing on how to support teachers in their quest to teach and inspire their students to be engaged readers, this session offers something for those designing professional learning opportunities as well as for those designing and implementing equity focused phonics lessons for children.

Presented by Dr. Maxine Alloway
Webinar Recording
About the Presenter

Maxine Alloway is a Teaching Associate at the University of Washington.  She began her career as an elementary school teacher and teacher leader in Boston and Philadelphia, as well as England and Israel.  She moved to Seattle in 2006 to pursue her doctorate degree, with a focus on teacher learning.  For the past thirteen years, Maxine has worked with teacher candidates, teachers, and teacher leaders throughout the Puget Sound area, as both a literacy instructor and an instructional coach.  She has served on the organizing committee for the Northwest Teaching for Social Justice Conference and volunteered with University Beyond Bars.   Maxine’s work focuses on literacy and learning for liberation. 

Related Summer Clock Hour Course


Phonics Refresher for Equity-Minded Teachers

This course brings together two important bodies of research, “The Science of Reading” (research recognizing the importance of phonics instruction in the process of learning to read) and “Culturally Responsive Teaching” (research acknowledging the importance of building on students’ linguistic and cultural resources), to offer a vision of equity-focused phonics instruction that builds on the assets of both teachers and students.

Online  |  August 3, 10, 17  |  9 clock hours  |  $150

Facilitated by Dr. Maxine Alloway

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Toward Grading Justice: Ungrading and Unlearning

This session will focus on the ways that instructors can make decisions and apply practices that shift toward educational justice. As educators, we can disrupt traditional power structures and enable students to take ownership of their learning. This workshop will describe the philosophy of ungrading and invite critical unlearning of our socialization about grading practices that undermine student agency and growth mindsets. 

Presented by Dr. Jamie Cho
About the Presenter

Jamie Cho is Assistant Teaching Professor of Justice in Early Learning. Originally from California, she has worked in the field of education as an early interventionist, inclusion specialist, teacher educator, field supervisor, consultant, parent educator, and researcher. She has her BA in Psychology with a minor in Education and her doctorate in Special Education from UC Berkeley. Jamie is committed to social and climate justice and has been working to create systemic change within early learning programs. She serves on the WAEYC governing board as Secretary, the NAEYC affiliate advisory council, and the Bellevue School District Equity Advisory Collaborative and Family Advisory Committee. 

Related Summer Clock Hour Course

Criticality and Counternarratives in the Classroom

This workshop will engage educators in supporting students’ critical thinking skills and using intentional counternarratives to challenge students to unlearn or relearn what they thought they knew. We will explore popular images (social media, ads) and stories (Cinderella, Little Red Hen) as opportunities to engage students in dismantling stereotypes and in reframing those narratives toward justice. 

In Person  |  July 26  |  3 equity clock hours  |  $75

Facilitated by Dr. Jamie Cho & Dr. Jodi Burrus Newman

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Leading towards Justice Series

Join the Leading towards Justice series for a live recording of the Racially Just Schools Podcast with Dr. Terrance Green. This webinar is part of a yearlong series offered by the College of Education's Danforth Leadership Program, Leadership for Learning Program, & the Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy area with support from the Corbally Fund and Just Ed Leadership Institute.

Webinar Recording
About the Leading towards Justice Series

This monthly series brings national authors and scholars into conversation with local leaders and students to discuss leading towards racial equity and justice in education. The series — organized as three two-part engagements — is designed to open conversations about the research and practice needed to catalyze change in the education field and on the ground. Each webinar will be followed by a discussion co-facilitated by local leaders and graduates of our leadership programs. Learn More >>


A Historical Perspective: Supporting Youth Identities Through Literac(ies) 

In the United States, the definition and purpose of literacy has changed overtime in response to ever-shifting political, social, cultural, and economic needs. Today, the country is facing what has been commonly referred to as a "literacy crisis". Several educational politicians, researchers, and educators have concluded that the Science of Reading will resolve this crisis. However, a Science of Reading approach overlooks youth racial, ethnic, and linguistic identities as well as diverse ways of engaging with literacy. Join us for a conversation where we collectively draw on our own research and practice to discuss ways to honor and support youth identities through expansive approaches to literacy.  

Presented by Dr. Lakeya Omogun, jas moultrie, and Cristina Barriot
Webinar Recording
About the Presenters

Lakeya Omogun

Lakeya Omogun is an Assistant Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture in the area of Teaching, Learning & Curriculum. Raised between Nigerian and African American cultures, her hybrid identity is reflected in her work that focuses on Black African immigrant youth. Specifically, her research explores the role of language, literacy, including digital literacies, in Black African immigrant youth identity constructions and negotiations across school, community, and digital spaces. She pays particular attention to the intersection of racialization and socialization processes that influence their identities. Lakeya draws on her own lived experiences, the wisdom of former middle school students, and the arts to inform her creative approach to shifting static ideas about race, immigration, language, literacy, and identity. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Literacy of Research, Teachers College Record, and the Journal of Research in Childhood Education. Her public scholarship has been featured on various formats, including TEDx, ESSENCE Magazine, NPR Radio, ZORA, and SXSW. 

Cristina Barriot

I am a M.Ed. student in Curriculum and Instruction in the Language Literacy and Culture program in the College of Education at the University of Washington. Prior to UW, I taught second and third grade in (one-way) dual language classrooms in Austin, Texas. I am from the Juarez-El Paso border region and grew up in both El Paso, Texas, and Chihuahua Mexico. I am inspired by the Juarez-El Paso community and its testament to the fallacy of static notions of culture, language, and identity. My experiences growing up in the border region and as a dual language educator in Texas shaped my commitments to identity work and storytelling to find healing and humanization in education. 

jas moultrie

jas is a storyholder and filmmaker studying communication at the University of Washington, Seattle. Her interests include literacy, fugitive education, performance, archiving, speculative fiction and madness. She's building a co-created literacy program for and by Black young people with the purpose of creating and sustaining space for healing, joy, and being


Working Towards Justice-Centered, Multilingual Science and Literacy Pedagogies 

Join Dr. Jessica Thompson, Dr. Venegas-Weber and Cristina Betancourt as they engage in conversation with novice elementary teachers from the area, who have been reflecting and learning about how to plan and teach from an asset-based and justice-oriented science perspective with multilingual students. Come to hear how teachers share their insights about intentionally using their own and students' linguistic repertoires and experiences for learning science as they integrate language and literacy practices

Presented by Dr. Jessica Thompson, Dr. Patricia Venegas-Weber, Cristina Betancourt, and teacher partners
Webinar Recording
About the Presenters

Dr. Thompson's research, teaching, and service are grounded in research-practice partnerships with teachers and school districts focused on educational justice in K-12 science. Through partnerships with science and multilingual teachers and coaches, principals and district leaders, we are developing an understanding of critical and cultural approaches to ambitious science teaching and learning. Dr. Thompson also has a background in developing after-school programs that learn from and support girls who are racially and linguistically minoritized in schools by understanding their intersectional identities and their engagement in scientific inquiry (dissertation fellowship from the American Association of University Women; 2007 Selma Greenberg Dissertation Award). She majored in Biology and Chemistry and taught high school and middle school science as well as drop-out prevention courses for eight years in North Carolina and Washington State. She has taught secondary and elementary science teaching methods courses and Culturally Responsive Math and Science Teaching at UW.

Co-presenters: Dr. Patricia Venegas-Weber & Cristina Betancourt

Teacher partners: Christina Kim, Lisa Okahata, & Emma Bentsen

Related Summer Clock Hour Course


Supporting Students’ Language & Content Development in Elementary Math & Science 

All children bring to their learning of math and science unique scientific, mathematical, social, cultural, and linguistic knowledge that teachers can draw upon to advance their students’ STEM learning. In this course, educators will explore the particular ways that language is used in math and science in order to identify strategies to support multilingual and all students to meaningfully engage in STEM learning. 

In-Person  |  August 16 & 17  |  7.5 STEM clock hours  |  $125

Facilitated by Dr. Patricia Venegas-Weber & Kendra Lomax

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Centering Students in All We Do: In Conversation With Teacher Leaders 

Join Dr. Sylvia Bagley, director of the UW’s Instructional Leadership masters program, as she engages in conversation with teacher leaders who are impacting schools on the daily and centering students’ needs in all they do. Panelists will share their experiences with taking on a variety of teacher leadership roles, including supporting colleagues, engaging in inquiry-driven projects, and broadening their reach beyond the classroom. Come learn and ask questions about how these teachers stay committed to equity as they engage their passions to make time for this much-needed work.

Presented by Dr. Sylvia Bagley & teacher leaders
Webinar Recording
About the Presenters

Sylvia Bagley (she/her) directs the Instructional Leadership masters specialization within Teaching, Learning & Curriculum. Prior to joining the University of Washington, Dr. Bagley was the Fritz Burns Endowed Chair in Instructional Leadership at Mount St. Mary's College (now University) in Los Angeles, where she directed MSMC's teacher-leadership masters and certificate programs, as well as the clear credential program. Prior to receiving her doctorate, Dr. Bagley taught 4th and 5th grade at a culturally diverse elementary school in the Los Angeles Unified School District, where she also served as her school's English Learner Coordinator and Instructional Math Coach. She was a volunteer instructor for University Beyond Bars, where she also served on the Educational Programming and Assessment Team (EPAT).

Teacher Leaders

Trisha Bryant: Instructional Leadership masters student Trisha Bryant has grown her understanding of students in 1st-12th grade classrooms for 20 years, including working hard to cultivate equitable learning spaces in public, private, and alternative education settings in both urban and suburban schools. 

Grace Armstrong is a 6-12th grade Special Education teacher who is passionate about crafting memorable learning experiences that reignite the curiosity of students who have been systematically excluded from traditional learning spaces. She strives to help colleagues modernize and streamline instructional methods that work through, not against, behavioral challenges in the classroom. 

Drew McDonald started his teaching career in Oxford, England, teaching grades 6-12 for two years and has spent the past seven years working as the 6th grade math teacher at Salmon Bay K-8 in Seattle. Drew completed a Master’s in Instructional Leadership from UW in 2021 and has held many roles as a teacher leader. His proudest achievement is creating a curriculum that was adopted by the district called Humans Doing Math, designed to help middle school students of all races, genders, and sexualities build their mathematical identities. 

Phi Nguyen is a kindergarten teacher in the Nooksack Valley School District where she has taught the last 5 years. In addition to being a classroom teacher, Phi is also a Teacher Leader and New Teacher Mentor in her building. Her professional interests include Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), language and literacy development in early childhood, and teaching for social justice and equity.

Related Summer Clock Hour Course

Every Teacher Can Lead: Finding Your Niche as a Strengths-Based Teacher Leader

In this interactive course, we will explore the various ways you can bring your passion, knowledge, and equity-focused orientation to a variety of teacher leadership roles, ranging from leading teams to coaching and mentoring colleagues, and much more.

Online  |  July 25 - 27  |  9 clock hours  |  $150

Facilitated by Dr. Sylvia Bagley & Dr. Kjell Stroomer-Rowe


Learn More


Organizing Teacher Learning to Create More Equitable Elementary Mathematics Classrooms 

All children bring a wealth of social, linguistic, cultural, and mathematical knowledge to their work in the elementary math classroom. Teachers can be supported to learn about their students and design their instruction to build on these strengths through collaborative opportunities to learn about, plan, and enact instructional practices like math interviews and community math walks. In this session, we will explore a learning cycle framework for organizing teacher learning and how it can be used to support teachers in their pursuit of creating more equitable opportunities for their students. This webinar will be of interest to instructional leaders who design professional learning opportunities as well as elementary teachers interested in advancing equity and justice in their mathematics teaching. 

Presented by Kendra Lomax
Webinar Recording
About the Presenter

Kendra Lomax is Co-Director of ConnectEd, the UW College of Education’s professional and community learning office, and Managing Director of Teacher Education by Design (TEDD.org).  Kendra works in classrooms alongside teachers and leaders to learn together about how to engage children in mathematics learning that values and affirms the wealth of mathematical, social, cultural, and linguistic knowledge of children and families. Before coming to UW, she worked as an elementary school teacher, math interventionist, and instructional coach in Washington schools. 

Related Summer Clock Hour Course

Formative Assessment in Elementary Mathematics: Interviewing Children About Their Mathematical Thinking

We know that all children bring important social, linguistic, cultural, and mathematical knowledge to their work in the math classroom. Our job as teacher is to find out what our students know and what is next on the horizon for them. This three-session course provides practical guidance for teachers seeking to take an asset-based approach to formative assessment.

Online  |  August 1, 8, 15  |  9 clock hours  |  $150

Facilitated by Kendra Lomax

PreK-1 Cohort

Grades 2-5 Cohort


UW School Psychology Program Spring Speaker Series 

The UW School Psychology Program cordially invites you to attend the second annual UW School Psychology Program Speaker Series featuring invited guest speaker, Dr. Michelle Hosp.  

What School Psychologists Need to Know about The Science of Reading

It is critical for school psychologists to stay up to date on best practices and current trends like The Science of Reading. While The Science of Reading is based on decades of research, we will explore why it is currently trending and how this information can inform how to assess and teach reading. Learn why phonics is in the spotlight and how to choose a phonics assessment and use data to drive instruction. This talk will support school psychologists to leverage their background in research and data to better serve students, educators, and families around literacy. 

About the School Psychology Program Spring Speaker Series

This talk is part of an annual series presented by the UW School Psychology Program.



ConnectEd, the College's professional and community learning office, offers a variety of professional learning opportunities from webinars, clock hour courses, and ongoing professional development contracts. Learn more on the ConnectEd homepage and join our mailing list to stay in the loop about upcoming courses and events.


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