Faculty Council

2022-2023 Faculty Council

Angel Fettig (Chair, President- elected, returning member)

Ann Ishimaru  (Vice-Chair, Vice President- elected)

Reps from each area

Shaneé Washington (TLC) (2021-2023)

Maggie Benneke (S3) (2021-2023)

Molly Shea (LSHD) (Winter 2022-2023)   

Joe Lott  (EDFLP) (2022-2024)

Vice chairs of standing committees who will be Faculty Council Reps

Scott Spaulding, Faculty Development and Support

Selma Powell, Student Support and Advancement

David Knight, Diversity and Equity

Kathleen Artman-Meekeri, Budget and Planning

Julia Duncheon, Academic Programs and Initiatives

At-Large Members



Non-Voting Members (Ex-officio Members) 

Dean or Dean's Designee

Mia Tuan

Staff Representatives

Jenni Campball

Heather Lewis

Teaching Associate Representative

Morena Newton

Undergraduate Representative

Lynn Dietrich

Student Representatives

Undergraduate - Janna Hong

Graduate - Noy Sabag

Faculty Development and Support

Nancy Hertzog (LSHD) (2021-2023) CHAIR

Scott Spaulding (S3) (2022-2024) VICE CHAIR

Maribel Santiago (TLC) (2021-2023)

Ann O’Doherty (EDFLP) (2020-2022)  

Meredith Honig (EDFLP) (2022-2024)

Bernadette Dwyer (HR)

Student Support and Advancement

Phil Bell (LSHD) (2022-2024) CHAIR

Selma Powell (Teaching Professor) (S3) 2022-2024) VICE CHAIR

Jim Mazza (S3) (2021-2023)

Jennifer Hoffman (EDFLP) (2022-2024)

Anne Beitlers (TLC) (2021-2023) 


Diversity and Equity

Sylvia Bagley (TLC) (2022-2024) 

Eddie Aguilar (LSHD) (2022-2024) 

Katie Lewis (S3) (2021-2023) CHAIR

David Knight (EDFLP) (2022-2024) VICE CHAIR

TBD (ASCE)(Masters) 

TBD (ASCE) (Undergrad)

TBD (ASCE) (Grad)

Gwen Sweeney (Staff)

Budget and Planning

Oscar Olvera Astivia (S3) (2022-2024) 

Megan Kelley-Peterson (TLC) (2021-2023) CHAIR

Carlos Martinez (LSHD) (2021-2023)

Kathleen Artman-Meeker (S3) (2022-2024) VICE CHAIR      

Santhi Perumal (COE finance)

Ann Ishimaru (Faculty Council VP; EDFLP) (2022-2023)

Santhi Permal (COE Finance)


Academic Programs and Initiatives

Cap Peck (S3) (2022-2024) - CHAIR

Lynn Dietrich (LSHD) (2021-2023) 

Julia Duncheon (EDFLPS) (2021-2023) - VICE CHAIR

Dafney Dabach (TLC) (2022-2024)

Kate Calisto (staff)  


College Advisory Council (CAC) 

Must be Full Professors, May include Research Professors

Mark Windschitl (TLC) (2022-2023)

Nancy Beadie (EDFLP) (2022-2024)

Min Sun (EDFLP) (2022-2024)

Gail Joseph (LSHD) (2022-2024)

Min Li (S3) (2022-2024)