News Features

The University of Washington College of Education will host a series of three talks this winter and spring focusing on some of the biggest issues in teacher education today.

Two professors at the University of Washington College of Education are among the nation's most influential education policy academics.

Eliminating persistent achievement gaps in America's schools requires educational leaders who can plan for the inevitable pushback that equity-focused policies engender, two University of Washington College of Education professors argue

After starting her career teaching middle and high school English and history, Jessica Rigby turned to research, concentrating on understanding the role of school and district leaders i

Beginning in 2015, a coalition of research and education institutions will launch a large-scale, randomized controlled trial evaluation of principal professional development funded by the U.S.

For Anne Beitlers, joining the UW College of Education as director of the Secondary Teacher Education Program is a homeco

Won-Fong Johnson joined the UW College of Education in September as clinic director and assistant professor with the

Dr. Larry Nyland, a distinguished local educator who earned his Ph.D.

Noah Zeichner '04 is one of 50 finalists for a $1 million award designed to be the Nobel Prize of education.

The following joint statement was made in honor of Dr. John Goodlad, who passed away Nov. 29, 2014.