News Features

Dr. Sheila Edwards Lange is the University of Washington College of Education Distinguished Graduate Awardee for 2013.

Dr. Eugene “Gene” Edgar, professor of special education at the UW College of Education, plans to retire in June 2013. Edgar has worked at the UW since 1972.


By Meredith Honig

Published by the American Enterprise Institute

The University of Washington will offer a new, low-cost, online bachelor's degree completion program in Early Childhood and Family Studies. Pending final approval, the program will start in the fall.

In 2010, approximately one in five Lakeridge Elementary students was passing the state mathematics assessment test. Working with strong instructional leaders, a school improvement grant, and Lakeridge’s phenomenal teachers, Dr.

Students in Finland have a reputation for doing well on international assessments in science and mathematics, an accomplishment that has long been of interest to educators and policy-makers here in the U.S.

In the late 1980s, a team of talented, dedicated educators designed an innovative leadership preparation program that integrated graduate coursework with intensive field experiences.

The Early Childhood Outdoor Classroom (ECO Classroom) is a scalable project, designed for culturally and economically diverse pre-school children.

From a home-schooled Ashland, Ore. youth to a student from Seattle Girls school, Garfield High Schools’ incoming high school freshmen come from all types of educational institutions. Yet, they have one thing in common.

The National Center on Quality Teaching and Learning has been awarded by Head Start to the University of Washington Haring Center in collaboration with the Uni