In the News

Sport & Society
Herbert Hoffman, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies alum, co-authored a new book, Coaching Principles for the Development of Championship Teams: On and Beyond the Pitch. He co-authored the book with Peter R.J. Fewing, who served as head men’s soccer coach for Seattle University from 1998 – 2006.
The New York Times

Ilene Schwartz, director of the UW's Haring Center for Inclusive Education, comments on the case in a Washington school district.

Seattle Times
Seattle Schools welcome several College of Ed alums to permanent positions. Stacey Tate Loftin is now principal for Coe Elementary. Clover Codd is the permanent principal at Alki Elementary. Henterson Carlisle is the permanent principal at Madison Middle School.
The Conversation

Professor David Knight writes about proposals by Democratic presidential candidates to spend more federal dollars on public education programs and the potential to reduce funding inequities in public schools.

University Week

In the brief, Marguerite Roza, research associate professor and senior scholar at the center, and Sarah Yatsko, its research coordinator, suggest four options districts could pursue to remedy school spending.


The University of Washington's ABA master's degree online program has been ranked among the nation's top programs, including "Best in the Northwest."


In a ParentMap interview, Dr. Elhan Kazemi shares her perspectives on thoroughly modern math instruction, as well as steadying advice to parents who still need to help their children with their math homework.

Northwest Asian Weekly

Dean Mia Tuan comments on the potential impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on higher education.

Seattle Times

A guest column by Prof. Ann Ishimaru discusses the importance of family involvement in schools and the College of Education's ongoing research into new models of parent engagement.

The New York Times

Keisha Scarlett, a graduate of UW's Leadership for Learning (EdD) program and chief of equity, partnerships and engagement at Seattle Public Schools, comments as a member of a committee of scientists and educators recommending that, wherever possible, younger children and those with special needs should attend school in person.