In the News

JURIST Guest Columnist Frances Contreras, Director of the Higher Eduction Program at the University of Washington, says repealing Proposition 209 in California would reinstate a vital admissions tool for underprivileged students.

The Seattle Times

Researchers from the UW College of Education help conduct the annual external evaluation of the Seattle Preschool Program, recently honored in a report on Pre-K programs in America's 40 largest cities.

Chrysan Gallucci has been appointed to the Editorial Board for the American Educational Research Journal, Social and Institutional Analysis Section.

Professor James Mazza discusses his work developing a social emotional learning curriculum to help middle school students regulate their emotions so they can succeed academically and in their lives.

Seattle Times
A group of Puget Sound school superintendents is touring classrooms in one another's school districts this year, similar to the kind of medical rounds that doctors make in hospitals. Their goal is not to evaluate or judge, but to learn — deepening their ability to define, recognize and support excellent teaching. Stephen Fink, executive director of the University of Washington's Center for Educational Leadership, is featured.
The Seattle Times

The legacy of Norris Haring, a University of Washington professor, celebrated pioneer of special education and fierce disability rights advocate, lives on after his recent passing.

Undergraduate Academic Affairs
On October 14, UAA Vice Provost and Dean Ed Taylor and his wife Dr. Sue Taylor received the Distinguished Alumni Merit Award from their alma mater, Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. Each year, the Gonzaga University Alumni Association awards select members with its highest honor, the Distinguished Alumni Merit Award. Nominations come in from various sources throughout the University. Ultimately, recipients are chosen based upon their service and contributions to their families, their careers, their peers, and their communities.
Education Week

Professor Meredith Honig, director of the UW's District Leadership Design Lab, comments on how equity officers can leverage their work throughout a school district's central office leadership.

Seattle Times
Two College of Ed students awarded Bonderman Fellowships University Week June 3, 2010 Congratulations to TEP student Anna Kramer and Education, Learning, and Society Minor student Brittany Lichtyon theirr Bonderman fellowships. In order to become the best science teacher she can be, Anna will travel to the countries where most of her students have roots: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Western and American Samoa, the Philippines and Indonesia. As she says, As I travel, I will explore the nature of the communities' relationships with the ecosystems in which they live, as well as strive to better understand how the unique biological communities and natural resources in each place shape the daily lives of the people living there, she said. Brittany plans to travel to countries with large groups of dispersed peoples due to conflict, including Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam then to Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, and finally to Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia. The purpose of my journey is to expand global education and encourage cultural tolerance and understanding. Upon her return to the United States, she wants to expand study abroad programs for community colleges. Congrats Brittany! 2010 Bonderman Fellows»
Seattle Medium

Jesse Johnson, a graduate of the UW's Danforth Educational Leadership Program, will serve as state representative for Washington's 30th Legislative District.